Nebraska Freemasonry
Grand Master’s Message

It is my honor and privilege as Nebraska’s 159th Grand Master to continue Masonry’s legacy in Nebraska and to lead our Fraternity as we navigate modern society. Advancements in technology have connected us more than at any other time in history, yet many of us find ourselves increasingly disconnected from our friends, family, and communities. Masonry’s time-honored tenets, principles, and tools are needed now more than ever before to bring harmony and strength to ourselves and to our communities, and I invite anyone interested in Freemasonry to inquire how to begin the process of your Masonic journey.
Freemasonry aims to promote Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love among its members. It is, by definition, a Fraternity; comprised of men from every race, religion, opinion, and background who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of friendship. With over three million members, Freemasons belong to the largest and oldest fraternal organization in the world. Freemasonry proposes to “make good men better” by teaching – with metaphors from geometry and architecture – about building values based on great universal truths.